By far the coolest thing about blogging is the replies. I’ve had a bunch of responses to my latest iteration of the baby stack across various platforms: universally other dads, none of which I’ve met before, who are looking for recommendations. I think that’s really neat.
Some interesting questions I’ve received include:
- How tall am I? (I’m 6’4”.) It’s really hard to find a stroller that isn’t too short. (I found that the Uppababy Cruz V2 does work for me if I extend the pushbar all the way. The Joolz Aer is shorter but I care less because we use it so sporadically.)
- Why I didn’t I include a baby carrier? (We don’t use them anymore, and I’ve never found one that worked for me. I’d love to have a baby backpack for him, and I’m kind of on the lookout for one.)
This has been true whenever I’ve posted about anything that is more substantial than an opinion: lots of community discussion, feedback, questions, and ideas. It’s the best thing about blogging, and about the web.